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Exploring The World Of Chinese Painted Button Quail In 2023

The King Quail (Coturnix chinensis) also known as Button Quail, Chinese
The King Quail (Coturnix chinensis) also known as Button Quail, Chinese from www.pinterest.jp

Are you looking for a unique and fascinating pet bird? Then you might want to consider the Chinese painted button quail, also known as the blue-breasted quail or king quail. These tiny birds have captured the hearts of many bird enthusiasts with their beautiful colors, charming personalities, and low-maintenance care requirements. In this article, we will explore the world of Chinese painted button quail in relaxed English language, from their history and origins to their behavior, diet, and breeding.

History and Origins

The Chinese painted button quail is native to East Asia, including China, Japan, and Korea. They have been domesticated for centuries and were originally kept for their meat and eggs. Over time, they became popular as pets due to their small size, colorful plumage, and friendly nature. Today, they are widely bred and kept as companion birds all over the world.

Appearance and Behavior

Chinese painted button quails are small birds, measuring only 4-5 inches in length and weighing around 1-2 ounces. They have a round, plump body, short beak, and short legs. The males are more colorful than the females, with bright blue feathers on their breast and a distinctive black and white spotted pattern on their wings and back. The females are mainly brown and have less distinctive markings.

These birds are active and curious, and they enjoy exploring and foraging for food. They are generally sociable and can be kept in pairs or small groups. They are also relatively quiet, making them suitable for apartment living or for people who prefer a peaceful home environment.

Diet and Nutrition

Chinese painted button quails are omnivores and eat a variety of foods in the wild, including seeds, insects, and small invertebrates. In captivity, they can be fed a diet of commercial birdseed, fresh fruits and vegetables, and protein sources such as mealworms, crickets, and boiled eggs. It is important to provide them with a balanced diet and fresh water at all times. Avoid feeding them avocado, chocolate, caffeine, and alcohol, as these are toxic to birds.

Housing and Environment

Chinese painted button quails are small birds and do not require a lot of space. They can be housed in a cage or aviary, with plenty of room to move around and flap their wings. The cage should be kept clean and dry, and lined with newspaper or other suitable bedding material. They should also have access to a nest box or sheltered area for sleeping and resting.

These birds are sensitive to temperature changes and should be kept in a warm and draft-free environment. The ideal temperature range for them is between 65-80 degrees Fahrenheit. They also need access to natural light and fresh air, but should be protected from direct sunlight and extreme weather conditions.

Breeding and Reproduction

Chinese painted button quails are relatively easy to breed in captivity, and can produce several clutches of eggs per year. The breeding season usually starts in early spring and lasts through the summer months. The female will lay 4-6 eggs in a nest box or other suitable location, and will incubate them for around 16 days. The chicks will hatch out covered in down feathers and will be able to feed themselves within a few days.

It is important to provide the breeding pair with a suitable nesting area and a balanced diet rich in protein and minerals. It is also recommended to separate the male and female after the breeding season to prevent over-breeding and exhaustion.

Health and Care

Chinese painted button quails are generally hardy birds and do not suffer from many health problems if kept in a clean and stress-free environment. However, they are susceptible to respiratory infections, so it is important to provide them with good ventilation and avoid exposing them to cigarette smoke, cooking fumes, and other pollutants. They should also be checked for signs of mites, lice, and other parasites, and treated accordingly.

Regular veterinary check-ups are recommended to ensure that the birds are healthy and free from any underlying conditions. It is also important to provide them with fresh water, a clean cage, and plenty of exercise and social interaction.


If you are looking for a charming and low-maintenance pet bird, the Chinese painted button quail might be the perfect choice for you. These tiny birds are full of personality and color, and can provide hours of entertainment and companionship. With a little bit of care and attention, you can enjoy the beauty and wonder of these fascinating creatures for years to come.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational and entertainment purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for professional veterinary advice. Always consult with a qualified veterinarian before making any decisions regarding the health and well-being of your pets.

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